Monday 4 May 2009

Food can be so emotional

Okay, so food isn't emotional, but it seems like there are a lot of emotional responses to food or deprivation of food.

I dropped by Starbucks to see how my lovely lady is doing and was met with a very tired and somewhat sulky girl, wishing... no, LONGING for some salad dressing for her salad. I admit, her salad definitely looked less than appealing: spinach, carrots, green peppers, onion, cucumber. Mine looked fantastic with romaine, spinach, carrots, cucumber, black olives, eggs, peas, onion, green pepper, and a strand of hair (which was discovered later, of course).

So, then I got to work and my co-workers were ordering Chinese food. I decided to pitch seven dollars at them in exchange for some steamed veggies. Then, I called the gf and told her to come by after work and she could eat my veggies. That sounds dirty.

Anyway so she showed up in the middle of a meeting. At this point, she was absolutely sick from not having really eaten (remember, the oatmeal was not appropriate due to the shit that Starbucks puts in it and her salad was not appealing) so she said little to nothing and looked upset. She grabbed the food after I explained that we were meeting and she'd have to eat elsewhere, and left. My coworkers all let out their breath as she left, thinking and commenting on it seeming like we may be having relationship issues. I laughed. Fun times.

So, now I'm sitting here realizing that if I want to get serious about any ideal of wanting to reach my ultimate goal of 140 lbs, I need to make a plan.

In 90 days, I want to be down to 210 lbs. This is not impossible. I was down at 210 lbs only about five months ago and then gained it back.

90 Days: 210 lbs.
60 Days: 220 lbs.
30 days: 225 lbs.

Honestly I think it's not a large enough goal but I've been failing for five months so I'm setting the bar lower and lower each time. Hey, if the bucket is overflowing, put less in, ya know?

So, in one week I will try to get myself down to 232 lbs. I think, with the cleanse, that this is possible, but we'll see!

Additionally, my goal is to complete 7 days of the cleanse and then the following week, the goal would be to finish the cleanse. For this week, I won't put working out as a goal because there should be a few days where I will feel kind of flu-like, and the WR professionals suggest that I don't work out during those days. But after day 6 I should be good to go on the whole working out thing.

So, now it's time to get ready for my next meeting. I am feeling slightly hungry so I will make myself some green tea.

Rush Intro

I just started the Wild Rose Herbal D-Tox today so I got this random idea to start blogging about it. This isn't the first time I've gone through this particular detox cleanse but I barely remember my experience from the last time, and this time my partner is also going through it for the first time so I think it's great to be able to track both of our progresses along the 12 days and see how things are going.

But first, lets go over some basics. Like.... why cleanse?

I'm just as good as a google searcher as the next person (maybe better than the person after that). So, when I first heard of this cleanse, I was a skeptic. I logged online and read it's claim to remove foods that have stuck/stayed in your body for years. I'd never heard of this before so naturally, it seems impossible. But then I got to thinking about pipes and the sewer systems in the house I was living in. In fact, I think that at that time, one of the sinks backed up and we even had to call a plumber to come in and snake the pipes. I remembered the process of doing this and remembered seeing all of the sludge that built up over time. The thought of shit being stuffed up my body seemed more plausible now.

Regardless of the possibility or impossibility of the claim, I figured at the time that "hey, why not. It's only 12 days and most people say it was not a good experience for a few days."

Backing up a bit, at the time I weighed 260 lbs. I had an epiphany one day about losing weight and went on a mission to drop the pounds. The first task was to learn to cook food for myself that was not of the college-aged style (i.e. ramen noodles, macaroni and cheese, hotdogs.... and more hotdogs... (what, they are SUPER cheap!)). That is when this d-tox was suggested because it has a very specific set diet that I would be required to follow and even has a cookbook. So it would be 12 days of learning new delicious meals.

That was the most exciting impitious for me to do the d-tox. Now, I realize that I could have done the diet without the d-tox, but then I also figured, I paid 30.00 CAD to get this diet plan, I might as well TRY the cleanse.

And so I did, but this blog isn't necessarily about my last experience (as I said, I barely remember the actual experience), it's about my current on. I got the idea to do the dtox again about two weeks ago when I woke up bloated and just not feeling well. I remembered how good I felt after the cleanse last time and decided then and there "I must cleanse." I just hadn't been feeling very good in my body for the last few weeks, so time for a reset.

Cleansing to me is more than just pooping, taking herbs, and eating strict diets. There's a certain mind-set and/or mind state that I get in that I don't ordinarily use. It's a constant evaluation as I really start to pay attention to what passes from hand to mouth. How much coffee do I REALLY drink, you know?

So, today is the first day for me and my girlfriend. She works at Starbucks (well, her last day is in five days) at like 6 in the morning so I was sleeping when she called to complain that apparently, the oatmeal there has some words that you cannot pronounce in it so unfortunately for her, it is not good to eat. Too bad, because nothing at Starbucks really IS good to eat unless you consider ONLY drinking black coffee and their green tea. Everything else there, food-wise, is off-limits. So I will go rescue her later this morning with a nice fat salad from "Salad Creations" today.

As for me, I woke up and made myself two deliciously fried eggs (fried in a half a teaspoon of butter) and black coffee with stevia in it. I'm content for now! I took the six pills and 30 drops this morning and thankfully they went down smoothly. I remember having a LOT of trouble with them the last time with the smell and taste of the pills, so I was prepared to experience the same thing but fortunately, did not.

So, for the rest of the day I plan to eat salad and then my girlfriend is going to cook one of the recipes out of the Wild Rose cookbook called "Leek, Eggplant, and Potato casserole." Sounds simply divine.

Ciao for now.

Day 1 Morning Stats:
Food Intake:
Two Eggs,
12 oz of black coffee w/ stevia
General Feeling:
Good. Tired from restless night, but not feeling bad.